“Oh it’s just going to the web.”
“This is only going to live on the internet.”
“It’s just for our website.”
“We’ll probably put it up on youtube or something.”
These comments are a bit dismissive of the power of web video and we hear it a lot. Video put up on the internet is available to be seen every day by every demographic, every potential new partner, every competitor, every client, customer and team member. Perhaps the reach and impact of web video is a bit undervalued by most businesses.
It can be difficult to try and think what industry or business wouldn’t benefit from some type of video living on their site. There are so many different ways to show off who you are, what you do, what is your potential, or simply to say hello. A video can hit personally better than just about any other form of medium. We’ve discussed some examples previously such as convention videos, real estate videos, social media videos, non-profit videos, and training videos. But there are many more and each of those can be tweaked creatively to whatever would work best for a specific business.
Since these videos can be used to display any part of a business, they need to look authentic and professional. So don’t dismiss the quality by saying, “it’s only for the web.” Quality matters, if this video is the only touchpoint that a consumer has of a particular brand or product, then it should represent the best of that brand.
More and more, videos are being created specifically for web display. Production companies like FiveSix use all the same gear on web videos as we do on the other videos we shoot. We understand that quality matters. This is a transition that’s been happening for ten years, and it is opening avenues for all businesses of all sizes to use video effectively.