“The Hateful Eight”, Quentin Tarantino’s latest film was shot completely on 65mm film with anamorphic lenses, and will be released in gorgeous, sweeping, 70mm on December 25th- Merry Christmas! Joe Marine over at NoFilmSchool explains how this film will be a departure from the few attempts at 70mm from the past few years, and be more like the 70mm films from the 60’s, such as Ben-Hur and Khartoum.
“The Hateful Eight, on the other hand, is taking that native 2.20:1 aspect ratio and shooting with 1.25x anamorphic lenses, which is later unsqueezed to a super-wide 2.75:1 aspect ratio — much wider than the normal widescreen in cinema today, which is 2.39/2.40:1.” -Joe Marine.
So, in a Tarantino-style nut shell, this should be a unique, exciting, and fun cinematic adventure we have ahead of us. Here’s a link to the n.f.s. article, where you can see the trailer!