This is going to be such a great presentation, but the venue only holds 700 people and we have 10,000 that should see it.  I hear this phrase or a derivative of it muttered quite often.  The solution is to capture it on video, upload the video to a site and send out the link so that those people you want to see it can see it.  But what’s even better is if they can see it at the same time, from wherever they are and be able to comment and engage immediately.  Streaming video has come a long ways in the past few years but it everyone only thinks of watching Neflix, HBO, or Hollywood movies.  Streaming video can be used effectively for corporate messages as well, in real time.  If the CEO is giving a speech somewhere, why not broadcast that out.  There’s a new product that’s being demonstrated, why not broadcast that out.  Get people talking immediately about what is happening with the company.  There are a number of on-line services that can be used and the setup isn’t too involved.  We like ustream, just to let you know.  You can make it public or private and protected by password.   You just need a fast internet connection, a computer and guy that knows how to work it. Connect the video and audio to the computer and you’re good to go, now everybody can participate as the event is going on.

What does this do?  Streaming content live is powerful.  Nobody likes to feel they are getting second hand, late information.  They talk about what’s new, they talk about what’s been said recently.  The more they share and the more current information they have, the more powerful your messages become.  If you’re going to video record anyway, add this on and you won’t be disappointed in the results.