After looking at all of the cameras at NAB we choose to add the C300 to our inventory of cameras. If you looked at the white sheets for the differnet cameras our initial reaction was that the C300 didn’t have the same bang for the buck as the other cameras out there. Would we like a camera that can shoot super slow mo…. Yes. Do we need it…. No. Does it shoot 4K footage?… No. Have we ever been asked to deliver a project in 4K? No…. After sittiing down with the team we realized that this camera was the best match for 95% of the productions we do.

It delivers the images clients have come to love from the Canon 5D without all of the hassles. It’s nice to be shooting on a video camera again. The images are amazing and the camera is very intuative.

When we looked at what we can book, it was a natural fit.(It’s on it’s 5th day of shooting so far).