FiveSix ProductionsFIVESIX Productions

DJI Universal Controller

FiveSix Productions employs the use of a variety of DJI tools, including the Ronin, the Inspire 1, and the Osmo. While we love them all, and appreciate all that they do to add to our production, we do have a suggestion for the wonderful folks at DJI:

To use the Osmo and the Inspire 1 areal drone, simply download and utilize the DJI app on a mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet, easy enough; this is great for ease of use and access, but is a killer of phone batteries. How are we supposed to holler at all the sweet honeys while flying drones over the Delaware river, if our phone is quickly dying on the Inspire remote? (Real example.) We have what we believe is a great suggestion for a wonderful solution. DJI should develop and sell a phone sized device that exclusively works with DJI tools. The device would be about the size of an iPhone 6 or Galaxy S7, so the screen is nice and big, but not so large it can't fit in the provided holster. The device would be Bluetooth compatible, of course connect to the internet so as to download the latest updates, and would come factory ready to all the applications and software needed to run the parade of dope DJI products. Best of all, with only the task of running your DJI items, there can be plenty of space for a big, long-lasting battery, and it would run super fast because it has just one purpose in life. We can only speculate that if this device cost just a couple hundred bucks, they would sell like hotcakes!
We're not software or hardware manufacturers, and simply are thinking out loud, but hey, dreaming is what dreamers to best. So, DJI folks, there's just one of our many dreams that we wanted to share with you as if we were sitting on your therapy couch. Thanks, friends.

FiveSix ProductionsFIVESIX Productions

DJI: Out To Conquer the World (Part 2)

The DJI Osmo is an ingenious device that works in tandem with either the original Zenmuse X3 camera, or the new Zenmuse X5, and enables smooth, steadicam shots, in a handheld device. While it can't replace the DJI Ronin or Ronin-M for some situations, this could be just the thing to add that certain je ne sais quoi to your b-roll, or cut-away shot. Once the Ronin is up and running, it doesn't take much to start shooting; however, the time it takes to build the Ronin, or simply having a slightly bigger rig to bring around may be too much for your shoot. The Osmo is the perfect solution; it's compact, versatile, and fits in one hand, leaving your other hand free for an ice cream cone, or maybe a delicious sandwich.

To say the Osmo is multifaceted would be an understatement. Not only can it record multiple frame rates (24, 25, 30, 60, 120), it can shoot 4K, and 1080 and 720 progressive. The incredible stabilization is a result of a three-axis gimbal that truly brings steadicam quality to a handheld. There is a built in joystick for pans and tilts; and a trigger that enables various modes of operation, such as upright, under slung, flashlight, locked, and even selfie for those 'good hair days'. The Osmo is capable of performing panoramas up to 360 degrees, as well as time lapses and hyper-lapses (with a hyper-lapse, you can shoot videos that make you look like you can run at great speeds for great distances- impress the ladies!) OH! As if all this wasn't enough, the Osmo has onboard audio, and a standard 3.5mm port to plug in a mic and whip out some of your best Katy Perry.

There are a myriad of accessories that further expand the Osmo's range, as well as complete control of image settings within the DJI application. Your smart-device sits nicely in a holder that attaches to the Osmo, giving you a touch-screen monitor.

This all adds to the bouquet of new gear and technology that is revolutionizing the visual media world and enabling people of all skill levels, incomes, and walks of life to make art. Sure, not everyone is going to find professional success, and there are a lot of people creating art for the sake of art; but that's what makes today such a cool day. Everyone should be able to express themselves and their creativity in some manner.