FiveSix ProductionsFIVESIX Productions

New shoulder rigs coming soon!

Every once and a while, you get that spark of imagination, the creative juices begin to flow... and suddenly, you have created something totally righteous. That's just what we're doing here at FiveSix Productions. We realize that to expand and improve upon what we can offer to our clients, and to continue to push the limits of what FiveSix Productions is capable of, well, we need to never stop expanding on our gear and skill sets. That's why we're building a pair of sleek, dynamic, and versatile shoulder-rigs that will allow us to push beyond what we've been able to do with our older shoulder rigs.

Now, don't get too excited, we didn't opt for the edition with the sparklers and mini-fridges, but we are pretty sure these will work just as well. Coupled with our new Tilta Nucleus-M follow focus system, and our upgraded power-distribution solution, anything from our Canon C300 Mark II's to our RED Epic Dragon will be set free. We are excited to announce that our new DJI Ronin 2 will also benefit from our Nucleus-M follow focus system, and between that and our shoulder rigs, series of sliders, jibs, and tripods, we've completely set our photography free.

Make sure to ask about our new shoulder rigs and DJI Ronin 2 when booking your next Las Vegas or Long Beach video production project with us.

Zacuto Shoulder Rig


Tilat Nucleus m

FiveSix ProductionsFIVESIX Productions

Like Looking Into the Heavens

Recently, we got to be a part of a very fun shoot here in Las Vegas. Why so fun? It's because we got to break out our awesome RED Epic Dragon and Schneider Cine-Primes and have them all making silky smooth moves on our Dana Dolly- we even invited our Sound Devices 633 to join in on the fun. Now, I can't even begin to tell you how sweet that 6K looked through those lenses, the bokeh was superb, the shot was crips and focused, and I could have sworn we were on silk, because the movement on the Dana Dolly was smoooooth! It helped having the one and only CMDP manning the lens, but, with a lineup like the one we had- even I could have made a little bit of magic. So, for your next Las Vegas video production, I would highly recommend adding the RED and the Schneiders to your order, you can always knock that 6K down to SD in post. Oh... the 633 was fine for audio, or whatever.
FiveSix ProductionsFIVESIX Productions

FiveSix ProductionsFIVESIX Productions

It's Happening Again!

Oh gosh, it's happening again! The fellas at FiveSix Productions are about to get all crazy, level-7 confidential, CIA/KGB, can't talk about it or... you know... again. They're headed out to somewhere we can't talk about, doing something you don't want to know about, with some people regular folks have never heard of. All I can tell you is nothing, and all I can show you is this photo that could be any random Tuesday morning. Look... we hope they make it back alive, but... let's just say, it's been real.

FiveSix ProductionsFIVESIX Productions

Well, that was quicker than I expected.

Well, I feel pretty sheepish, I was trying to update my MySpace music list from my rotary phone, when I realized I hadn't paid my Pacific Bell phone bill for the month. I guess that's what I get for prioritizing my student loans from Full Sail (smart) before my phone, studio apartment, and ramen noodle funds. Well, no worries, I can do all my internet-ing from my place of employment (I'm sure temporary, the more blogs I write). Turns out, ol' Mike Bay of Transformers and the short: "Vanilla Ice: I Love You" has had a special, RED Epic with an 8K Super 35mm sensor built just for him. Yeah, impressive. It even has a fancy, neon green housing! Well, long story made short: this is just the beginning. The folks at RED have already sold a handful of RED 8K Helium Weapons, and there will be more where that came from in October.

Now, I can't begin to tell you how I know absolutely nothing about any of the specs, partly because they're not posted, and partly because I have no idea what I'm talking about outside of using a disposable camera; but, I'm sure you can figure something out using Google. If you want a little bit of a head start, go here, or here. Either way, I'm pumped, and the wonderful folks over at F11 Rentals have a RED Epic Dragon for rent that's pretty righteous if you want to get your hands on a piece of the action.

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FiveSix ProductionsFIVESIX Productions

Canon C300 Mark II and RED Epic Dragon Updates

Hello friends. We here at FiveSix Productions find that kindness and cooperation often goes a long way. We like to help our production friends and partners be the best that they can be. We were doing our routine upkeep of our computers, cameras, etc., and were going through some firmware updates. It can sometimes be hard to remember to stay up on that, especially when we get into these busy periods. Long story short: if you have a Canon C300 Mark II, there is a firmware update that will be available July 28th (Thurs.), and RED just put an update out a couple days ago. So there you have it, go make sure you're reaping all the benefits of these awesome tools. If you don't have an Epic Dragon or C300 Mark II, but need one, give our friends at F11 Rentals a shout, and they'll get you squared away.

FiveSix ProductionsFIVESIX Productions

RED Epic Dragon: Epic Camera

The RED Epic Dragon is FiveSix Productions' most powerful and capable camera offering. With the update of the sensor, this camera really delivers on an incredible level. One of the most notable features of the new sensor is its ability to provide amazing detail and incredible native exposure that eclipse 35mm film in both latitude and image density. The almost unthinkable 16.5+ stops of dynamic range allows your DP to really spread their wings and create visually stunning scenes; even at ISO 2000, the image is clean enough for cinematic or publication presentation. The Epic Dragon is fast! The new sensor enables Full Frame 6K at 75fps, 6K 2:4:1 at 100fps, and below 6K, all the way up to 300fps (300fps is at 2K). This camera isn't just for motion pictures; at 6K Full Frame, you're getting a 19.4 Megapixel image- so, you can take your individual frames, and make amazing stills, or shoot specifically for the single, still image. Beyond these facts and figures, there is a plethora of other upgraded aspects such as improved color, capability of 3D (with appropriate hardware), and more. So, all that said, if you want the best of the best, shoot with us and our RED Epic Dragon.