
Shooting in the Desert #desert safety #it's hot #still hot

Las Vegas Video Production can lead you from icy, air-conditioned hotel rooms and convention halls to scorching Mojave locales, and it's important to be prepared for both. Following up on my Safety on Set piece, I wanted to throw a few tips for shooting in the desert.

Now, as with the Safety on Set post, most of it is common knowledge stuff that generally falls under the "that never actually happens on set" category; however, it's always nice to have a reminder, and as previously stated before, common sense isn't very common.


The desert is hot, very hot, so proper clothing is a must.

Light colors and whites deflect sunlight and heat; cottons and breathable materials allow for the passage of air (no denim an/or black leather- I'm looking at you art department).

Water, lots and lots of water; even if it's not cold, it is absolutely imperative to stay hydrated, the moment you're thirsty, you're dehydrated.

Gloves, all day gloves! That equipment, especially medal will get a little toasty- no skin grafts for our crews.

Do it with a friend. Alone in any wilderness (or ghetto- I'm looking at you North Las Vegas) is a one way road to sucksville.

Hats, everyone wear a hat! And, for that matter, bring a long-sleeved t-shirt, something that will cover your skin, but not make you hot. Cover your skin with durable, light weight, sunlight blocking clothing.


I can go on and on, but, I hope you're getting the point. For further reading, the folks at the Discovery Channel have some worst-case-scenario literature- because, let's be honest, even if you're only a few miles out, that could be a few too many miles out.

Oh! One more: Everything in the desert is sharp, pointy, and wants to exact revenge on you for what we've done to the plants and dinosaurs. Just f.y.i.