FiveSix ProductionsFIVESIX Productions

FiveSix Productions Isn't Afraid of the Dark

Happy Halloween! In the spirit of the holiday, with all it's dark and creepy glory, FiveSix Productions ventured into the deserts outside of Las Vegas, and had some fun in the dark. Along with some technology designers and armed forces veterans (thank you for your service), we got to check out some of the latest and greatest in low-light, visual technology. From the staple night-vision scopes, to thermal imaging, and even some revolutionary new technology that left us stunned, we got to see it all. We wish we could share some more information and some photos about all that we did and saw, but unfortunately it's "G-7" classified. We can tell you that we had a great time filming all the equipment, and enjoyed working with one of our favorite actors. Our studio is a disaster after a busy week of Las Vegas video production, and these projects won't edit themselves, so we'll see y'all real soon. Happy Halloween you goblins and ghouls.



FiveSix ProductionsFIVESIX Productions

FiveSix Productions Works in Shadows

This past week, FiveSix Productions spent some time in the shadows of some of the biggest vehicles in the world! We had the pleasure of shooting at MINExpo International 2016, and got to see and learn all about the mining world. From computer systems that enable machines to work autonomously to machines that are nearly three stories tall, and everything sharp, powerful, and ingenious in between, we touched on all of it. We here at FiveSix Productions are no strangers to the convention floor, as that's a huge portion of all Las Vegas video production work, since conventions drive the local (and, realistically, state economy), so we made sure to bring out A-game. It was a blast working with a great client, and learning a lot of interesting factoids about mining. We're getting ready for another busy week, so, until next time, keep those sensors clean.

FiveSix ProductionsFIVESIX Productions

What We Learned

Last week FiveSix Productions had the opportunity to work with some of our friends and associates on a short film; reference last weeks' blog. All joking and silliness aside, here's what we learned from a very cool and fun experience.

It's hot as fresh pancakes and sausage here in Vegas during the summer... I mean, c'mon!

Don't let the film Training Day fool you, it's not that easy to shoot inside of a vehicle, especially when it's moving. The lighting was one of the trickiest aspects, as our run-n-gun, guerilla style shooting kept us on our toes both during the day, and at night.

Audio inside a vehicle was easier than expected; I posted a video a long time ago in a blog that showed how to do audio in a car, and it was pretty spot on. I was pretty nervous about capturing quality audio early on, but it really wasn't as tough as I thought. (All due respect to our pro-audio friends.)

C.R.E.A.M.: All hail Wu Tang Clan, those guys are spot on, cash rules everything around me.... When you're talent is working for free, sometimes they don't show up. We only had a couple actors who weren't able to make it; but fortunately we had a lot of very eager, talented folks who came though and did a great job.

Scheduling and shot lists are crucial! Even on a short film, time is so valuable, and it's very easy to fall behind. Make sure to storyboard! There's no such thing as over-prepared.

Now, I can't speak for the director/star of the film, but I'm sure stepping out of his comfort zone to direct a short narrative was a great learning experience, as I'm sure was staring as talent. He'll basically be the Robert Rodriguez of this film as he'll also be the editor. All in all, it was a cool experience that took us from hot Vegas streets, to neon lights, and even left some of us pant-less in a dingy motel room on the Strip... So, while we eagerly await the final cut, we'll proceed on to the next project... With pants on, this time.