FiveSix ProductionsFIVESIX Productions

2016 Las Vegas Film Festival

It's that time of year again! It's time for the annual Las Vegas Film Festival held in historic downtown Las Vegas. The festival kicked off yesterday (Wednesday the 7th), and will run through Sunday the 12th. There are over 90 short and feature length films being shown, along with music video labs, mixers, brunches, and of course, parties. Tickets are still available, but they're going fast! There are individual screening tickets for $12- that get you in and to an available screening, $60 gets you to as many as you have time for and there's space for, $120 gets you VIP, and $250 makes you a bit of a festival deity.

All in all, it sounds like an absolute blast of a time! We here at FiveSix are in the bittersweet position of having way too many shoots and editing scheduled this week to attend- which seems to be a trend.... Enjoy, all you who are attending, and best of luck to anyone who has a project in the mix! Here are some links to get you where you need to be:

LVFF 2016 Tickets

LVFF 2016 Schedule

LVFF 2016 Film Guide

Las Vegas Film Festival

Las Vegas Film Festival #LVFF #LVFilm #FestivalsAreForDreamers

It's that time again, time for the Las Vegas Film Festival! It's an opportunity for big dreamers and doers to get out there and show off their best short, feature, and documentary films. From near and far, high and low, here and there, independent film makers are putting their hearts, souls, and best feet forward in an all-out, winner take-all battle of visual story telling.

The festival will run for four days downtown in some of the exciting and eclectic theaters that are woven into the fabric of old Vegas. So grab your popcorn, sodas, and bullet proof vests, and let's go! Pimpin, Korean culture camp, deadbeat dads, and dirty French something or another are the topics of the day in the four feature films being presented; and nothing says "great weekend" like some hookers and a weekend in Vegas with some foreigners!

So, if you're in the mood for a cinematic adventure this weekend, and aren't interested in men acting like ants, any possible or impossible missions, or anyone from Compton, give the Las Vegas Film Festival a try, and make sure to cheer extra loud for any Las Vegas film makers.